Company Core Values


The Mission of Wilkerson & Company is to provide unbiased, third-party home inspection services and high quality report documentation for the communities and clients we serve. We will complete our home inspections with the highest degree of integrity, courtesy and knowledge.

The following rules of conduct and ethics help maintain integrity and objectivity within the home inspection profession. In any instance where the NSHI Code of Ethics and the law conflict, the obligations of the law must take precedence.

Professional Conduct

  1. The home inspector will always act in good faith when dealing with a client.
  2. The home inspector will not disclose the results of a home inspection to any other party without client approval.
  3. The home inspector will not express an opinion unless it is based on fact, education, or experience.
  4. The home inspector will not accept compensation from more than one interested party for the same service without the consent of all interested parties.
  5. The home inspector will not accept commissions or allowances from other parties involved with the real estate transaction.
  6. The home inspector will maintain truth in advertising, marketing, and promotion of services or qualifications.
  7. The home inspector will not advise a client whether or not to buy a property after the home inspection.
  8. The home inspector will immediately disclose any observed immediate safety hazards to occupants exposed to such hazards.
  9. The home inspector will comply with any inquiry or compliance requirement by a state home inspector regulatory body.
  10. The home inspector will not aid or assist another in the violation of this Code of Ethics.

The Inspection and Report

  1. The home inspector will perform an inspection that is substantially in compliance with the National Society of Home Inspectors Standards of Practice.
  2. The home inspector will enter into a written agreement with the client prior to the inspection that lists the components and systems to be inspected along with limitations and exclusions.
  3. The inspector will submit a written report to the client within 48 hours.
  4. The home inspector will not provide additional inspection services or exclude items from the inspection that fall within the Standards of Practice without a written agreement with the client.

Disclosure of a conflict of interest

  1. The home inspector agrees to promptly disclose in writing to the client any personal interests that may affect the client.
  2. The home inspector will not allow any interest to affect the quality of the results of a home inspection.
  3. The home inspector will provide other services to the client only after securing the written consent of the client in a separate document that includes a written statement of the services intended and how such services may conflict with the home inspection services provided.


The purpose of a home inspection is to provide the client with information regarding the condition of the systems and components of the home as they existed at the time of the home inspection. The Home Inspection Report communicates the information to the client through a written summary that describes the general conditions of the building systems and components along with items deemed significantly deficient.


The scope of the inspection is a visual observation of the readily accessible areas of the building, components, and systems that is limited to the readily accessible and visible areas and the systems identified as follows: Site/ Grounds, Structural System/ Foundation, Exterior, Roof, Plumbing, Electrical, Heating System, Cooling System, Interior, Insulation and Ventilation, and Fireplaces / Solid Burning Appliances.


The inspector will not dismantle and/or move equipment, systems, furniture, appliances, floor coverings, finished or fastened surfaces or components, personal property or other items to conduct this inspection or otherwise to expose concealed or inaccessible conditions. The inspection will not include destructive testing of any kind. Systems and conditions that are not within the scope of the inspection include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental hazards including the presence or absence of asbestos, lead paint, radon, or urea formaldehyde insulation.
  • Water or air quality.
  • Presence of toxic or carcinogenic matter emitted from the ground, building materials, presence in water, in air supply or from the operation of any equipment.
  • Items that are obstructed, inaccessible or not in plain view.
  • Mold or mold type.
  • Animal or insect infestations.

The following components or systems also fall outside the scope of the inspection: security systems; appliances; playground and recreational equipment; swimming pools; hot tubs/spas; lawn sprinkler systems; intercom and audio/video systems and below ground drainage systems; antennas; central vacuums; solar systems; water softeners and filters; wells; septic systems; latent defects; adequacy of system designs; zoning or building code compliance; and any items considered to be cosmetic in nature.

Warranties and Guarantees

The written home inspection report is not intended to be used as a guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding adequacy, performance, or condition of any inspected building, system or component. Items inspected are not guaranteed to be defect-free, as problems may exist even though signs of such may not be present during the inspection.